Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Let there be paint...and spring!

Does anyone else have spring fever?! Now that it is warming up, I just want to be outside painting and creating! Forget the daily housework, forget the laundry, forget spring cleaning...that's what husbands are for!!! Haha! Last weekend it was beautiful for Minnesota so I opened the garage doors and painted is one example of the amazing power of paint!
Really, really ugly isn't she? But the price was right and she had great bones!

 I love it! Its shabby, distressed, and with the vintage knobs...perfect! I saw the idea for the numbers at Pottery Barn and loved the look! This little gem is available at The Red Poppy! Linking up to Domestically Speakings paint party! I love paint!

Now for my love of white....pitter patter goes my heart!

Picked up these paper mache forms from a thrift store...not cute!

Here they are after Kate and I mod-podged vintage sheet music to them! Love, love, love!
These took awhile (about 3 hours!) so I wanted to keep them, however, Kate thought we should sell them because I told her she could keep the money...what was I thinking? So these lovelies are up at the shop...I'm secretly hoping they don't sell so I can sneak them back home! Does that make me a bad mom? =)

Here are some more "loves". I love the pedestal wood bowl. All shabbed out with the vintage covered eggs..."sigh!" I love them! The trays with the vintage paper in the background are also favorites!

A close up of the eggs...just used vintage music sheet, modge podge, and plastic eggs! Super easy but it was a little timely...however, when you are doing it with your 11 year old who still thinks you're cool...priceless! Linking up to White Wednesday party!
Enjoy your day! Hugs!


Patti's Artful Design said...

Love your dresser and the bunnies are adorable! What did we ever do without sheet music in our project arsenal:)?! Thank you for sharing.

Irma@CosasBellas said...

I love your bunnies and I can totally relate to not wanting to let them go when you put so much time into them. I've been decoupaging dress forms lately and it's not as easy as it would seem to be. I also decoupaged some eggs for Easter I'll be blogging about it soon, hope you can stop by.
BTW I also have an 11yo who thinks that all my crafts are cool.

Blessings from The OC,

Tracy said...

Love it, way to go Miss Kate!!